Sunday, February 27, 2011

walk this way

Guess who decided to start stepping it up?

Margaret's 10 months old today, and to celebrate she's putting one foot in front the other and walking a mighty good distance between her mom and her dad. It's pretty adorable.

(You thought I was going to say "advanced," didn't you? :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

diane day

It's my mother's birthday today. 

She's 60. And beautiful. And pretty much kind of totally perfect. (There's a reason Maggie's name is Margaret Diane.)

I remember shortly after I had Margaret, my mom said to me ...

"You know how much you love, Maggie? That's how much I love you."

And it still gets to me. 

Mom, I hope one day Margaret loves me even half as much as I love you.

Happy Birthday! Thanks for being my mom.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

face painting

We decided to paint our bedroom.

And Adam decided to become the Phantom of the Opera. (I told him not to shake the paint can if the lid wasn't closed, but you know Adam — SUCH a daredevil.)

Miraculously, the paint only coated the husband — with the walls and carpet escaping a latex blizzard.

As for the new bedroom? It's dreamy.

BIG shout-out to Erin and Kara for helping us. They're just terrif.

Monday, February 7, 2011

going public

Maggie giggles. A lot.

But rarely — I repeat ridiculously rarely — does she do so in public.

Thankfully for us, she doesn't yet realize that cameras can bring her secret glee to the streets.

So ... enjoy. Because this daughter of the iPad generation (and flying cars, of course) will be on to us soon.