Sunday, June 10, 2012

catch 'em if you can

I came out from putting Lydia down for a nap to find this:

In case you can't tell, it's Adam sliding goldfish crackers down measuring tape into a swaddled-Maggie's mouth. 

You know ... typical Thursday. 

So happy. 

Taking a breather.

It's coming ... focus, focus.



Kara said...

What is happening?!?!? Whatever it is, I like it.

Diane said...

This is the funniest post ever! I am with Kara-- how on earth did this come about? So, so funny, cutie pie Maggie!

ty and megs said...

Ty will be all over this idea! I love it!

Michelle Joy said...

Only Adam... so handy these days he always has a measuring tape on him?
Love that little burrito!

Kim & Clay said...

So cute. Maggie is so looong!

Jill said...

I kind of snort laughed....

Julie Standley said...

Hilarious! And so adorable.