Monday, March 23, 2009

belated blogiversary

Dear Blog,
I owe you an apology.

You turned 1 last week Friday, and I treated it like every other same-old, same-old day. I went to work. Amy and I beat the boys mercilessly at Hand and Foot (no, like mercilessly). And then I went to bed with nary a birthday greeting in sight.

Shameful, indeed.

I should have been throwing virtual confetti. I should have been closing my eyes and Googling a wish (or 10). And I should have been eating colorful cupcakes while perusing past posts (mmmm cupcakes).

But alas, a belated birthday sentiment will have to do — along with a shout-out to a few of my favorite posts here, here, here and here.

Do you have any favorites? (Because this blogiversary is a celebration of me, obvs. :)

Happy Birthday, Blog. You're growing up so fast!



Kristina P. said...

March was a busy blog birthing month. Congrats little blog!'

Our blogs need to have a playdate.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday

Laurel said...

"Great kids think alike" was one of my faves.

Here's to the 2nd anniversary!!

Diane said...

Happy blogaversary Bri! So glad that your blogging keeps us all updated with what you and Adam are up to, as well as entertaining us with your wit! Here's to another fabulous year!

Erin said...

I love ALL your posts. Really. I was just reading--with a big smile on my face--the posts you called out and then going back into your archives to call out another fav but I really can't choose (and I have to start working so I can take a week off in two days.) Never stop blogging!

Jennie said...

I also liked great kids think alike. It made me want to scan in old photos too.

Kara said...

Oh yes, the blogiversary. Congrats on making it this far. I have to say, one of my fav posts "pumpkin extravaganza". Oh my Jackie O Lantern was awesome!

Amander said...

Love the "time will tell" post - also, my birthday post (of course).

Happy blog birthday!

Juli said...

You're so cute =). What's Hand and Foot?

See you in a couple days!!

Kim & Clay said...

You are such a witty writer! Happy birthday, Bri's blog. And enjoy Hawaii. we'll make sure treat day isn't too awesome without you.

Lindsey said...

I love your blog. My only request is that you update more often. :)

You are one of the best writers I know!