Thursday, January 13, 2011

mohawk maggie

My daughter, the beautician. 

I came in to get Maggie from her morning nap, and this is what I discovered.

I kind of totally love it. (Move over, bows!)

Rock on, Mags. Rock on.


Lindsay Griffeth said...

For the first time, Ryan's hair looked like that today, too!

Laurel said...

stop. it.

what a cutie.

Kristina P. said...

So adorable! She looks so much like Adam.

Amye Kay said...

I LOVE BEAD HEAD on my babies, there will be many more of these moments, eat them all up!

Amander said...

Um, I need to see her stat. Cute mohawk and all.

Melanie said...

I love mohawks on babies. Just. Too. Cute.

Craig and Carol said...

Love maggie's cute and casual is faintly familiar. I'm not naming any names but there is an entire generation of mom's who did their babies hair this way on purpose.

Jill said...


Jennie said...

Love it.

Julie Standley said...

she rocks it... as she does EVERYTHING else!

Chocolates for Breakfast said...

that is kind of what my hair looks like when i wake can similar looks go from hideousness (on me) to utter adorableness on "mags"!?

Diane said...

Who needs bows when you can rock a mohawak? Adorable as usual!

Erin said...

So you are saying she gave herself the fohawk!? She is so edgy. :)

Stewart Family said...

OH so cute! She is growing so much! I love her!

Heidelweiss said...

She totally knows what's up. So hip.

Jen said...
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Jen said...

Can we say fashion-forward? She clearly, like her mother, lives life on the wild side.