Thursday, January 20, 2011


1. Sister Erin says there aren't enough pictures of me on my blog. So ... you're welcome, Ers-Bears. (P.S. Erin knit this hat. It's beautiful.)

2. I'm re-watching "Gilmore Girls" from start to finish, and I'm equally as enamored this time around. (BTW, Rory just graduated from Chilton and gave her valedictorian speech — sob!)

3. Christmas was completely lovely with the Stewarts. I quite like them. (And by like, I mean totally love.)

4. The baby shoes from Joyfolie make me want to sigh all the day long. And after looking at their prices, sighing is all I will be doing, indeed. 

 Photo from

5. Sister Kara is recovering splendidly from her bout with thyroid cancer. I'm feeling ridiculously grateful. 

6. Pre-surgery, we created SSSF — Sister Scarf Solidarity Forever. (Obvy.) But Kara's scar is totally stellar, she doesn't even need the scarf I gave her.

7. No matter. She still looks amazing in it.

8. Have you ever realized scarf is scar with an "f"? 

9. Anyway ...

10. I want to start saying "terrif!" more. As in, "Kara's scar(f) is totally terrif!"

11. My daughter still rubs her eyes when she's tired. I want her to do this always and forever. 

12. That is all.


Julie Standley said...

Oh maggie you're adorable. This post is terrif Bri!
And Kara name your price. I need... okay, want that awesome scar(f) your wearing :)

leah marie said...

1. I love this post!

2. Soph year in college, three roommates and I watched GG start to finish. So terrific!!

3. Miss baby Mags.

Craig and Carol said...

Adorable pictures of all the "girls".
We are so happy that Kara is post-surgery and all went well. Our love and best wishes to her for a speedy and complete recovery!

Chocolates for Breakfast said...

i agree...more pics of you...what about some mom and maggie shots! january is always such a "blah" month...maybe I need to re-watch GG's too! love you!

Kristina P. said...

You are still as adorable as I remember!

Amander said...

Love this stream of consciousness. And I'm so happy you are watching GG again. I started the OC again after your text!

Kim & Clay said...

Bri! How I miss you. And how I will be forever indebted to you for introducing me to the beautiful, beautiful world of Gilmore Girls. I passed the love on to my little sister who just started college. She is rightfully obsessed and regularly borrowing the dvds from me. I am waiting for the right time to start all over again with them.

Well, love you and your baby girl. Lunch soon?

Stewart Family said...

So glad to hear Kara is doing well. Love the scarf. Love the pic of Maggie. Love you!

Erin said...

I am in love with this post. So glad to see your beautiful face on it (you're welcome everyone) and to hear little tidbits of your thoughts. Also, scar and scarf?... you are blowing my mind.

Melanie said...

You are making me crave a little Lorelai in my life.

Jill said...

I am thinking it might be time for me to re-visit the Gilmore Girls. You are just too cute, Breezy. OH and i love Joyfolie!

Kara said...

Well the scar and scarf is terrif. Thanks!

Laurel said...

how has no one else ever noticed the "scar" "scarf" thing? classic.

and the joyfolie shoes (did I spell that right?) made my ovaries hurt.

Heidelweiss said...

I love all of your a-musings. Kara's scar does look fab. So do all her new scarves.

Endless Days and Northern Nights said...

Obvs that isn't a new 'no-shower' hat because YOU LOOK AMAZING!